Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Getting back into some things

Lots of the photos I have are not in digital form. That is, I have actual prints of photographs from the old-style 35 mm. film, taken in the days before digital cameras came out. One of them are of political events going back to the early 1990's, when Tim and I first started working with campaigns. I think I may scan some of them so I can upload a few here and there.

After Tim died I more or less dropped out of working in politics. I did go to one state executive committee meeting in Columbia when Rudy Guiliani and other GOP big-wigs were there, and a couple of other meetings for various candidates around the same time. That was before the SC Presidential Primary.

But it's nearly time for precinct reorganization, something we never missed over the years, and then the Florence County GOP Convention, and then the State Convention. A group of younger Republicans are interested in helping revive the party locally and asked if I would come back and get involved, so I agreed.

Any information or advice I can offer, I'll be glad to give them. They are too new to the process to be discouraged and disillusioned, which means they are still energetic. They remind me of the way Tim and I were, back when we first started working with a few local campaigns. I pray they won't drop out as fast as they dropped in, which is always a worry.

And I pray for myself, too, that every time somebody mentions Tim and how much they thought of him, how much they miss him, it won't do me in. I'm better in that regard but occasionally a comment will still hit my heart and hurt, it feels so strange to be out there by myself.